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Level Up Your Mood & Elevate

Level up, not just your outer appearance but you're inner as well. Have you felt like you have been a bit moody? Perhaps you're more irritable than normal? Perhaps arguing with your boo more than you should or every little thing? Maybe your disorganized bedroom is to blame. There are oddly enough, studies have shown that disorganization can have a negative effect on your mood. If you wake up in an environment that has chaos, you’ll tend to feel a bit disheveled and chaotic most of the day.

If you believe that you may be in this position you may just want to take a moment to inspect your surroundings to see what changes you may need to make. Step back and take an honest assessment of the space around you. Do you have stacks of items getting in your way? A pile of books that you’ll probably never read, old magazines that you promised yourself you’d get to? Or maybe you’re moods are being affected by the things you can’t see, like your closets, pantry, and drawers. The reality is that if you already feel overwhelmed, opening up a closet crammed with “stuff” isn’t going to help your mood, in fact, it can assist with worsening it.

As you begin to go after these areas and get organized, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day and the best organization is done one room, one drawer, and one closet at a time. Sometimes it's about finding the time to get everything completed. Set aside a stack of things you need to go through and label or file once you’ve cleared out the space.

If you’re not sure of which room to start in here’s a hint: Start in the bedroom. If you start and end your day in an organized space it will set the tone for your entire day and at the end of it, you’ll sleep better not surrounded by piles of clothes that won’t fit into those bulging drawers. Also, keep in mind this should also be the room that you spend the least time in throughout the typical day.

It’s easy to combat stress and clutter if you start tackling the reasons for your stress and alleviate them. Now you may not be able to organize your way to being a better boss or completely making all your deadlines, but by learning to organize the things you can control, you’ll be a step ahead and that much is closer to learning to respect your most precious and natural resource: your time.


Candle Store Owner

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